This is my first draft for my album cover, I chose to use purple, blue and black/blue as they are dark colours which means that they complement the image which the artist buys into. The layout is simple so that the audience can understand clearly.
Your initial idea applies some of the conventions you have identified in your research, such as a close up if the artist and colours that reflect the artist's style. However you need to explain your design in more detail, how do the colours reflect your audience, what image are you aiming to convey, who is your target audience and how does it attract your target audience?
Your initial idea applies some of the conventions you have identified in your research, such as a close up if the artist and colours that reflect the artist's style. However you need to explain your design in more detail, how do the colours reflect your audience, what image are you aiming to convey, who is your target audience and how does it attract your target audience?