Monday, 25 October 2010

Finalised album cover - front and back - Mrs Fisher



This is my finalised album cover, I was unable to use the artist featuring in the music video as she was unavailable on the day of the photo shoot. Instead, I used another artist to take her place, however I done exactly what I would have done, if i was to have used my featuring artist.

I used Photoshop to manipulate the pictures of the artist. I blurred the background to ensure that the artist stands out. I also brightened the eyes to make them stand out, whitened teeth and air brushed to give the artist an overall good complexion.

I used neutral colours to convey a delicate, feminine image of the artist, I also used certain text as it is bold and is shown clearly on the CD cover. I used borders to box each element on the CD cover i.e the name of the artist and the album name.


  1. Your final design strongly reflects the style you identified in your image board and shows consistent design continuity.
    Your analysis outlines the purpose behind your design and carefully considers the impact you intend to create on your audience. Your font also reflects the style but what reason can you give for using it? Also how is this targeting your audience?

  2. Your artwork needs to incorporate technical skills that will enable you to manipulate your image to suit the purpose of the task. Also consider how you could change your font so that it stands out.

  3. Ancillary task Album Cover
    Grade: Level 2 4 marks
