Monday, 11 October 2010

Design brief tasks - Mrs Fisher

Design brief tasks

In this creation brief there are many headings all in which contribute to the designers understanding of the product and the brief.

The first heading is ‘WHERE ARE WE NOW’ this gives the designer an overview of the current state that they are in. It shows the market climate, history, heritage and significance. This helps the designer.

The next heading is ‘THE ALBUM CONCEPT’ this gives the designer the knowledge of what idea the artist is trying to put across through the art work. This outlines the main idea.

The next heading is ‘who is our consumer?’ this helps the designer gain the knowledge of who they’re aiming the art work at. This helps to design the art work to the best of their ability.

‘What is the consumer reaction we want’ this heading indicates the kind of reaction that they want from their audience and therefore influences the ideas and the production of the artwork.

‘How will we know it worked?’ this heading helps the designer to outline specifications which would determine the success of their artwork. They would then know of it worked or not.

'Concept' is the idea of the album cover this means that from this the designer can get the overall idea of the outcome of the album cover and therefore produce it solely on the idea in which has been produced and the designer can therefore fulfil the expectations of the artist.

A ‘brand’ is what identifies the product for example; Nike is a brand this is shown by a logo. Brands are also seen on games etc. This is to familiarize the designer with the brand.

A ‘consumer’ is the person who buys the product; this helps the designer as it gives him/her an outline on how they should produce their artwork by targeting the audience and therefore producing in a way that will attract that particular audience.

A ‘Product’ in this case; is the album cover. It is important for the designer to know what they are creating so that they can make it to the standards in which the artist expects and therefore appeal to the target audience.

The ‘budget’ is the limitation of money. This gives the designer a specific amount of money to work with, this means that they have to prioritise what they need for the album cover and therefore not waste money on unnecessary items.

The difference between the product overview and the creation brief is that in the product overview the headings are explained in more detail which means that the designer develops a greater understand of the artist and his/her expectations. In comparison, the creative brief gives clear bullet points with the details in. This makes the whole designing process easier as it is easier to see the more important information on the album cover.

1 comment:

  1. Yasmin, you reflect a good understanding of a professional design brief, its purpose and meaning for both the designer and producer. Your understanding of the media language used is also thorough. Ensure that you now apply this knowledge to your own production.
