Image Board
I have chosen to give the artist two images, one being a sophisticated, classy look, the other being a rock-chick, rebel look to do this I have combined the two by certain clothing and using particular make up.
The red hair which my artist has would be conform to the generic conventions of this song/genre. The colour red connotes love which would mean that the artist will be seen as classy and elegant. She will also be seen as independent. The artists hair will look healthy; shiny and bouncy which would make the artist stand out from other artists.
The Pauls Boutique bag above shows the artists Rock image and also shows the artist as someone who is in with the latest fashion and someone who also has good taste. The cost of these makes of bags range from around £45-£85 which makes it easy for the target audience to buy into the artists lifestyle, by buying what she buys. The colours in this bag are bright, however they could all mean something different. The green colour could connote envy/jealousy. The pink, which is a girly colour could connote innocence. The colours on this bag make it stand out and eye catching

The heels will also be worn, to show a diva-like image and to also help her appear to her audience.

Your image board give a good reflection of the thought you have put into your artists image. It clearly conveys the direction you are going in with the image and style. Aim to ensure that this is used to inspire your artwork so that the style is carried through to your products.