Monday, 11 October 2010

Diversity of music video - Miss Georgiou


Chris Cunningham, born on the 15th of October 1970 in Reading (United Kingdom). His occupations are Film maker, video artist, photographer and producer. Chris Cunningham produces many music videos for many artists he also produces video art, short films and commercials.

Michel Gondry, Born May 8, 1963 in Versailles, France. His occupations film/video director and screenwriter. Michel Gondry also produces many music videos for various artists

The following are the music videos in which I have analyzed by the two producers.


Kylie Minogue- Come into my world

  • Presentation: This video does conform to the generic conventions of a pop video. The reasons for this is because Kylie is moving to the beat of the music which suggests that this is a pop video. Another thing would be that she is dressed how a pop artist would be dressed. I believe that the artist chose a video in this style to appeal to a wider audience and also to show her versatility.
  • Goodwin's Theory - 1. Throughout the video, Kylie is performing which suggests that this is a pop video however there is no dance routine, only her walking around in a circle continuously. 2- There isn't any relationship between the lyrics and visuals which verifies that this video is one which has been made by Cunningham. 3-There is no relationship between visuals and lyrics, this makes the music video look slightly different to others. 4- There are very little close up shots of the artist. 5- There some voyeuristic shots which show her body, this is to appeal to her male audience. These shots show her when she is walking and shows her body as she moves which also appeals to her male audience. 6- There are no intertexual reference. 7- This video is narrative based as it shows some sort of storyline.
  • Structure - This video is structured well. Repetition is used to portray the narrative.

The white stripes- The hardest button to button

  • Presentation - This is a rock video, song and band. The generic conventions of this video would be; the drum set, guitar etc. Also the men and their clothing.
  • Goodwin's theory - 1- The performance in this video are people playing on their instruments which clearly show that this is a rock video. 2 - There is a contradicting relationship between the lyrics and visuals. Except for the sequenced placing of the instruments which go to the beat of the music. 3 - There is a contradicting relationship with music and visuals, except for the sequenced placing of the instruments which go to the beat of the music. 4 - There are no close up shots of the artists. 5- There are no voyeuristic shots this is because they are trying to appeal to their audience in a different way. 6- No intertexual references. 7- This music video is performance based as i can see that everything is synchronized and sequenced which shows that they are performing.
  • Structure - There is plenty of structure in this music video. There is sequenced placing of the props which go with the beat of the music.


Madonna- Frozen

  • Presentation - Madonna is typically a pop artist, here she goes out of her comfort zone and conforms to more of the generic conventions of a rock video i.e the dark colours and the beat and the way in which Madonna is performing.
  • Goodwin's Theory - 1 - There isn't much performance in this video. Only Madonna slowly moving to the beat of the music. 2 - The words are slow which means that the visuals complement them, the slow movements of Madonna. 3- The music/beat is slow which also means that Madonna's performance complements them. 4- There are close ups of the artist as she is singing which shows her facial expression. 5 - There are close up shots of her body which suggests that she is trying to appeal to her target audience, in this case; men. 6 - No intertextual references. 7 - Performance based.
  • Structure - There is structure in her performing.
Aphex twin- Come to daddy

  • Presentation - This video conforms to the generic conventions of a rock video, however the performance, narrative and concept do not complement the video.
  • Goodwin's Theory - 1- Dark colours connote that this is a rock video. 2 -There is no relationship between lyrics and visuals 3 - there is no relationship music and lyrics. 4 - close ups of the faces of the people in the music videos 5 - No voyeuristic shots. 6- No intertexual reference. 7 -Performance based.
Chris Cunningham and Michel Gondry’s work is work which is out of the ordinary which would take an artist out his/her comfort zone. Having a Video made by these two men have the following disadvantages and advantages.
  • The advantages are that videos made by these two people are memorable videos as they are individual and like no other. An artist would be given an intellectual sense. It would also mean that the artist can have a niche audience.

    The disadvantages are that the artist would then limit themselves to a specific target audience. Also there is no relationship built with artist to audience. Some of the audience may find certain videos too bizarre which could then lead to the artist losing fans.7

  • How do the music videos conform/ not conform to generic conventions?
The music videos do not conform to the generic conventions of any genre. They basically make up a genre of their own. Which therefore places the artist in a wider market and therefore attracts a wider range of people.

  • TASK 2 question 2 and TASK 5 - Consider why the artist chose a video in this style? What are the positive and negatives?
Advantages of having diverse music videos
1-Memorable videos which are individual.
2-Gives the artist an intellectual sense
3-artist can have a niche audience
4-Abstract comes to life

Disadvantages of having diverse music videos
1-Limited target audience
2-No relationship built with the artist to the audience
3-Some of the audience may find certain videos to bizarre and lose fans.

Task 6 - From looking at these music videos, I have come to the conclusion that I will not be using any of Cunningham's or Gondry's. The reason for this that our artist would not suit this kind of music video, our artist is serene. We would like to keep as much of our audience as possible so therefore targeting an audience would be more beneficial.

1 comment:

  1. Your anlaysis of the two music video directors and their music videos shows excellent understanding of how their work is different to the mainstream. Also you have made and included some good points.
